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    left turns 結果共4筆

  • MOTC responds to citizen petition on traffic reform

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has responded to a citizen-led initiative calling for changes in traffic practices. The ministry announced that the regulation allowing two-stage left turns will not be abolished entirely but should be evaluated based on site-specific characteristics. The initiative also called for the prohibition of motorbikes on inner lanes of general roads and reform of the driver’s license test system. The MOTC stated that local governments should assess and plan motorbike lanes and two-stage left turn control measures according to their specific road traffic conditions. The ministry emphasized that motorbike riders should follow road sign guidance, and universal rules should only be followed in the absence of signs. In terms of the licensing system, the ministry has implemented a motorbike training program since 2019 to enhance driving quality and response capabilities. The program has been successful, resulting in a 56% decrease in traffic violations and a 35% decrease in accidents by 2022. The Highway Bureau of MOTC plans to continue promoting the program and implementing road training measures in 2024, periodically reviewing and adjusting the test content to optimize the training system for motorbike operators.
    2024/01/24 17:01
  • Kaohsiung Light Rail spurs new left-turn policy at 10 points

    The Transportation Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government has announced that left turns will be permitted at 10 intersections along the route of the Kaohsiung Circular Light Rail. In order to maintain traffic flow and address concerns from drivers, the bureau has reviewed and assessed traffic regulations. To minimize the impact on through traffic, vehicles will be directed to stay to the right about 50 meters upstream from the intersections. Additionally, changes to signal timing and settings on main roads surrounding the light rail, including Dashun Road, Jiangong Road, Dafeng Road, and Dachang Road, will be implemented. These adjustments aim to respond to actual traffic flow and will be fine-tuned as needed.
    2023/12/18 20:59
  • Ko Wen-je reverses stance on heavy motorcycles on freeways

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party has shifted his stance on allowing heavy motorcycles on national freeways. Previously, he promised to open the freeways to heavy motorcycles if elected, but now suggests that if the majority opposes it, the government should amend the law accordingly. This change comes in response to public opinion polls showing that 60% of people are against the policy change. Ko cited discussions with the Drivers Union, which strongly opposes the idea, due to safety concerns such as an increase in accidents and fatalities. Additionally, Ko proposes eliminating the two-stage left turn system for motorcycles and having motorcyclists line up behind cars at traffic signals. He believes that the decision on left turns should be based on the number of lanes on the road, taking into account the specificities of different roadways.
    2023/12/12 20:06
  • Tainan rids hook turn regulations for 6-month trial period

    The Tainan City Government announced on Friday (Oct. 13) plans to open inner lanes and allow direct left turns to scooters and motorcycle riders at 31 intersections on Zhongzheng Road and Fuqian Road in the West Central District. Starting from Oct. 28, a six-month trial period will take place, during which "hook turn" waiting areas will be retained.
    2023/10/14 09:05
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